he turned his eyes on me câu
he turned towards me
He turned towards me stuck out his hand and said, “that’s me!”Anh ta nhíu mày, buông ống tay áo xuống: “Đây là của tôi!” He turned tow...

eyes on me
She clapped eyes on me and took off like a herd of turtles.Cổ nhìn thấy tôi rồi lủi đi như một con rùa rúc đầu. He judged me guilty th...

his eyes watered
For the third time, his eyes watered.Lần đầu tiên, mắt hắn như ươn ướt. When Yoo Seung Ho was discharged from the army, the way his ey...

he changed his mind
Other than he changed his mind.Không. Không có lí do nào khác là ông ấy đã đổi ý. He changed his mind about me, Skyler and so will you...

he his father's son
Is he his father's son or what?Bộ nó là cha người ta hay sao ấy?

he is conspicuous for his bravery
Just as he was known for his bravery, so he was known for his generosity.he is conspicuous for his bravery anh ta được người ta để ý vì ...

his attitude toward me
However his attitude toward me was rather cold.Thái độ của anh ấy đối với tôi có hơi lạnh nhạt. He appealed to me…his approach.his atti...

he can't move his arm
He can't move his arm.Anh ta không thể cử động tay.

he cannot change his skin
But he cannot change his skin.gầy chỉ còn da bọc xương !he cannot change his skin But he cannot change his skin.gầy chỉ còn da bọc xươn...

he couldn't check his anger
He couldn’t control his anger, for he was anger.he couldn't check his anger: hắn không kìm được tức giận

he is the joy and pride of his mother
He was the pride and joy of his mom, Andhe is the joy and pride of his mother — nó là niềm vui và tự hào của mẹ nó

he takes after his uncle
Guess he takes after his uncle.Ai ngờ nó dắt theo con bạn nó.

he came to help me
25-When you are drowning you do not say"I would be incredibly grateful if someone were careful to realize that I was sinking and that h...

he came up to me
He came up to me and I said, "Well, you have to extend your hand..."Anh ấy đến chỗ tớ rồi nói, "Giờ em hãy dang rộng tay ra..." He cam...

he himself told me
This chaplet mitigates God’s anger, as He Himself told me.Chuỗi kinh này làm nguôi được cơn nghĩa nộ Thiên Chúa như chính Người đã phán...

he is a stranger to me
He is a stranger to me, so far as I remember.Bà hoàn toàn xa lạ với tôi, theo như tôi biết.

he is nothing to me
He is nothing to me but a coward."Tôi chẳng là gì ngoài một kẻ đê hèn.”

he refused to see me
Refused to see me, refused to speak to me.he refused to see me: anh ấy từ chối không tiếp tôi Refused to see me, refused to speak to me....

he signed it for me
I bought Brian's CD and he signed it for me.Tôi đã mua CD của tiền bối Sung Si Kung vì vậy anh ấy đã kí tên cho tôi.

he tried to persuade me
He tried to persuade me not to come.Nó đã cố cản tôi đừng đến đây. First he tried to persuade me not to go to the university because h...

And the gestapo turned up at the house today.Và cơ quan mật vụ Đức Quốc Xã đã đến đây hôm nay. You've turned our lives into their ente...

The new service can be turned-on via the notifications centre.Việc chuyển đổi tài khoản có thể được thực hiện thông qua Notification Ce...

he is two years senior to me
He is two years senior to me and loves me very much.Chồng tôi hơn tôi 2 tuổi và rất yêu thương tôi.

he couldn't get leave from his father
He couldn’t leave his brother – he had to get his father.he couldn't get leave from his father: nó không xin được phép của bố nó He coul...

he is ostracised by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike
He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.anh ta bị các đồng nghiệp bài xích vì đã từ chối không ủng hộ cuộ...